Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can I Get a "Holy Crap" Over Here?

My parents sent Elliot a box full of Halloween candy and other goodies and as Elliot opened it up and stared in awe, Fred came over his shoulder commenting "Holy crap! That's a lot of candy!"

Elliot sort of nodded and said "Hodee crap!"

(Insert image of Fred and I laughing so hard we're shaking but trying so desperately hard to not let Elliot know it was funny.)

We ignored it and hoped it would go away.

1. Halloween Day. We head over to Stacey's house to trick-or-treat and as we're walking up to the porch filled with pumpkins and gourds he yells "Hodee crap! Looka da pumpkins!"

2. Halloween Night. We're driving to Tecumseh and pass the train tracks outside of Syracuse when Elliot looks over and sees the trains. "TWO trains?!! Hodee crap!"

3. This Morning. Driving into downtown on our way to daycare we pass a building that's been under construction for the last few weeks. "Mommy look! Hodee crap a bucket truck!"

So, yeah, on one hand, Daddy taught him a not-very-pleasant phrase. On the other hand, he uses it in the right context flawlessly. And shouldn't that be commended?


Mary Kate said...

So, so awesome. Oh, I think you're kid is so cool. Much cooler than kids who don't say inappropriate things.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that some kid would know the name of the bucket trucks, because I know kids that if they see some kind of trucks they just saying the word truck.

Anna said...

Bucket Trucks,

You underestimate our child! He may still get green and blue confused but he knows almost every vehicle and piece of construction equipment known to man. And, he will correct you if you get it wrong (believe me, I know).

- Mrs. Seckman