Thursday, June 16, 2011

Un-Funny, Sewing-Related Update

Flip flops mean summer.

Festive flip flops mean I'm ready for summer.

After finding this fabulous tutorial on Pinterest, I couldn't help but give my tired old flip flops a fresh look for the summer... and I love them!

Crafty me has been busy... I finished piecing the Bottled Rainbows quilt, made baby quilt #2 for my sister-in-law Steph, put together miniature quilts for my sister's kiddos, made these flipflops, put together a scrappy USA, built a clock from an embroidery hoop and buttons, finished 2 of the three commissioned t-shirt quilts, made the world's tiniest stitched handprint and perhaps most exciting of all - signed up for 2 Farmers' Market dates in July.

(Photos here.)

I'm looking forward to our weekend of no plans so that I can quilt the two miniature quilts, piece the third t-shirt quilt, sew together two doll quilts and cut out another one, teach Stacey to embroider, and, and, and...

I hope yours is just as enjoyable.

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