Whenever I blog about something, it typically takes a while to get to a point that I found it worthwhile to post.
In an earlier post about Fred running a magical (maniacal?) race in Disney World, I jokingly asked if anyone wanted to come along. I was not expecting the response I got. I am flattered that people want to vacation with us whether it be to watch Fred sweat to death or smother Elliot with love or maybe, just maybe, enjoy my company as well.
Although we’d been talking about that trip since November, I just formally entered Fred – making it time to post about it. What I didn't mention is that back in November, my sister and I planned, with approval from our hubbies (or “bosses” as we like to call them), that we’d make this a little 2-family getaway. Jen and I never get to have just our families together – we want the big boys to hang out, we want to hang out and we want the cousins to have a chance to get to know each other.
Somehow I managed to overlook that in recent talks about this upcoming big adventure. I think I opened my mouth a little too far (who, me?) when I should have kept it shut. I’m kind of like a preschooler on their birthday – jumpy and overly excited and I want to tell the world about my new Barbie Dream House.
Then I posted the blog and jokingly asked if anyone wanted to come along. My sister got angry. (She even went as far as accusing me of a mid-life crisis for forgetting our previous plans.)
So. Jennifer, I’m sorry. It was a bad sister thing of me to do.
And everyone else, you’re kind of uninvited. But not in a mean way – more in the way of me needing to stay true to my sister. I truly hope I didn’t hurt any feelings more than I already did.
1 comment:
It's ok Anna...I'd probably have decided to run and beat Fred anyway, and then the whold trip would have been ruined?!!! You know you didn't hurt my feelings....I don't' even like mice! love ya all...Aunt B
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