Thursday, October 7, 2010

It Starts at the Age of 3

Setting: Old Chicago
Actors: Fred, Anna and Elliot

E: Dad, is this the place we play the games and shoot the aminals?
F: Yes, last time we played the video games here.
E: We play tonight, maybe.
F: I don't think so, I don't have any money.
E: Yes you do.
F: No, I don't.
E: Mommy?
A: Sorry, I don't have any money. All we have is plastic.
E: (Laughing) That's silly.
E: I hafta go potty.
F: Me or mommy?
E: Mommy.
E: (Quietly, in bathroom) Mommy?
A: Yeah?
E: You have money I can have?
A: Honey, I don't have anything.
E: I can have some money maybe?
A: I have exactly ZERO (making a zero with my hands) dollars.
E: (Grinning) I'll take that!
A: Oh no, zero means nothing, nada. I don't have any money.
E: Oh. That makes me sad.
A: Elliot did you go potty just to ask me for money?
E: I probally did maybe.


KMed said...

You guys have a little salesperson in your midst!

Jen Craun said...

I probably did maybe.
Funny, funny!!